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Grace Anne Alfiero
Jul 3, 20203 min read
Leadership Choices, How I Might Have Done It
After college and before I met the man I am married to, I dated a narcissist. During a brutally lengthy five year, on-again, off-again...
Grace Anne Alfiero
Mar 15, 20193 min read
Ownership vs. Leadership
Just like no one truly owns a beautiful forest and no one truly owns a coral reef, nonprofit organizations were not set up to be owned by...
Lindsey Nickel
Sep 9, 20183 min read
Creating A Crosswalk For Collaboration
This week I was on a Skype call with a colleague who lives oversees and we were discussing the challenges of building an effective...
Lindsey Nickel
May 29, 20182 min read
Power Family
I am pretty certain that my lineage does not include links to royalty or political power. I do not believe any of my ancestors have run...
Lindsey Nickel
Jan 24, 20183 min read
Why We March
This past Sunday, my daughter and I donned our thermal underwear, our pussy hats, (thanks Christy Hallas) and our warmest sweaters and...
Lindsey Nickel
Jan 14, 20183 min read
Unintentional Bridge Burning
Are you burning bridges without even knowing it? Are you confused sometimes when you get a less than enthusiastic reply from a donor,...
Lindsey Nickel
May 22, 20171 min read
For weeks now I’ve been trying to craft a list of encouraging and life changing reasons for folks to consider and to commit to taking on...
Lindsey Nickel
Mar 5, 20172 min read
Commander in Tweets, Leading Through the Tangled Webs of Social Media
During a casual weekend phone chat with my buddy, Artist and Art Gallery Owner Sarah Ellen Smith, we galloped into a topic that has been...
Lindsey Nickel
Jan 5, 20171 min read
A Year of Yoga
So, How you doing? We are five days into 2017 and I am wondering how those resolutions are going? Me. . .of course I am working on mine,...
Lindsey Nickel
Aug 28, 20162 min read
When Do-Gooding Ends Badly, How Do You Cope?
A very dear friend and work buddy of mine is going through a rough patch. A program that she worked hard to fund and develop was hijacked...
Grace Anne Alfiero
May 20, 20161 min read
When Grant Writing Equals Grant Winning!
As a non-profit consultant that makes a majority of my income from preparing grant proposals for clients, I am often asked what...
Grace Anne Alfiero
Apr 9, 20163 min read
How NOT To Do It!
In the early 90’s, I landed an internship at a progressive non-profit agency in New York City that served as an incubator to musicians,...
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